Warez group

There are many types of groups such as release groups and courier groups. Groups often compete about being the first out with a new quality release. Being the first to release a new quality release brings status and respect. Such groups typically tag their releases with NFO files. Due to the nature of the scene, not much is known about these groups. Most groups follow the warez standard.

The FBI have been combating warez groups with Operation Buccaneer, Operation Fastlink, Operation Safehaven, Operation Site Down.

The most notable group is the legendary Razor 1911. Other famous groups include DrinkOrDie, Pirates With Attitude, Class, and Fairlight.

Release groups

Release groups are responsible for making warez releases.

Courier groups

Courier groups take releases and distribute them. This can be done using FXP to FTP sites.

Couriers are a specific class of topsite users who earn their access by uploading new releases and filling requests. When a courier gains access to a topsite, they are often required to pass a trial test such as uploading a certain amount in a short period of time.

Couriers compete (race) against each other for respect, credits, access to other topsites, and fun. Private couriers often operate as independent (iND) couriers. Some couriers band together to form courier groups which provide support and friendship through camaraderie. Although it may be noted that Couriers/Racers are looked down upon more than ever by affiliates and topsite staff with the increase of scripts that perform the couriers tasks automatically. Some (couriers themselves) call it efficient, others call it lazy.

See also